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Privacy Policy

Indonesia Furs Community Platform Privacy Statement

This Privacy Policy outlines the procedures and principles employed by the staff in the collection, use, updating, display, disclosure, and protection of Personal Data belonging to the members. This policy is universally applicable to all members of the platform, except in instances where an alternative Privacy Policy is explicitly stated.

Upon their registration on the platformmembers explicitly agree to the processing of their Personal Data as delineated in this document. In circumstances where a member provides Personal Data pertaining to third parties (such as family members or friends), the member affirms that they have obtained the necessary consent from these individuals, permitting the staff to process their data accordingly. The staff reserves the right to request evidence of this consent.

Data Collected, Their Method of Collection, and Their Usage

Types of DataMethod of CollectionUsage
Username, Password, and EmailAccount Creation ProcessAccess to the platform
Legal Name, Date of BirthDirect Entry in Profile PagePrerequisite for Ticket Purchase
Verification for Event Participation
Payment Data (Transaction Details, Payment Modes)During Financial TransactionsProcessing Payments and Transactions
Third Party Legal Name and Contact InformationDirect Entry in Profile PageContact during Emergency
Transaction Data (Purchase Records, Feedback)Various Interactions on PlatformEnhancing User Experience and Service Personalization
Technical Data (User IDs, IP Addresses)Platform UsagePlatform Optimization and Security Measures
Log Data (Server Logs, Access Times)Automated CollectionMonitoring and Improving Platform Performance
Cookie DataBrowser/Device SettingsPersonalization of User Experience

Additional Information:

  • The Personal Data procured through the platform will not be subjected to sale.
  • The collection of data may be facilitated through the use of cookies when the platform is accessed. The members have the discretion to modify their device or internet browser configurations to either reject specific types of cookies or eliminate them entirely. It is noteworthy, however, that such actions may impact the operational functionality of the platform.
  • In instances where the members submit Personal Data pertaining to third-party individuals (including but not limited to family members, friends, or other acquaintances), it is incumbent upon the members to secure the requisite consent from these individuals.

Data Aggregation

In the pursuit of enhancing service quality and understanding demographic trends, the staff may generate, use, or disclose Aggregate Data. This type of data, while derived from Personal Data, is not considered personal in nature, as it does not directly or indirectly reveal any individual's identity.

Personal Data Disclosure

The staff reserves the right to disclose the Personal Data of the members to external entities if such action is mandated by an authorized governmental institution.

Beyond the stipulations outlined in this Privacy Policy, the staff may proceed to disclose and share the Personal Data of the members, contingent upon prior notification to the members or obtaining their explicit consent for such disclosure or sharing.

Safeguarding of Data

The safeguarding of Personal Data is a matter of paramount importance for the staff. They have instituted comprehensive and robust measures designed to shield Personal Data from unauthorized access, collection, use, and disclosure, as well as to prevent accidental loss, destruction, damage, or similar risks.

It is incumbent upon the members to maintain the confidentiality of their account credentials, including their passwords. Additionally, the members are obliged to ensure the security of the devices through which they access the platform.

Data Retention

The retention of Personal Data is strictly limited to the duration necessary for fulfilling the objectives for which it was initially collected, adhering to the requirements of applicable laws, and as necessitated for legal purposes.

The staff commits to discontinuing the storage of Personal Data or dissociating it from the individual identities of the members, as soon as it is established that the original purpose of its collection is rendered obsolete, following a deletion request from the member, or when its retention ceases to be requisite for business or legal obligations.

It should be noted that certain Personal Data of the members may continue to be stored or managed by third-party entities, including governmental institutions. In instances where the staff disseminates Personal Data to such entities, the handling and storage of this data will be governed by the data storage policies of the respective institutions.

Entitlements of The Members Regarding Personal Data

The members are entitled, under prevailing legal provisions, to exercise specific rights concerning their Personal Data, which includes the right to request access, seek corrections, and/or demand deletion of their Data under the custody and control of the staff.

The members have the right to revoke their consent regarding the processing of their Personal Data at any given moment. This revocation must be communicated to the staff in a written format, utilizing the contact information provided. It is important to note that withdrawing consent may result in the loss of access to certain services offered on the platform. Upon receipt of a withdrawal request, the staff will convey the possible repercussions of this action, thereby allowing the member to make an informed decision regarding the continuation or cessation of their consent.

The staff reserves the right to decline requests for access, correction, and/or deletion of any portion or entirety of the Personal Data under their dominion if such refusal is mandated by applicable legal statutes. This prerogative particularly applies in scenarios where the Personal Data encompasses references to other individuals, or if the request is deemed to be of a nature that is suggestive of infringing the established terms and conditions or the law.

Liability Waiver

Despite the diligent efforts of the staff to secure data, the inherent vulnerabilities of internet data transmission mean that absolute protection against unauthorized interception, access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction cannot be categorically assured, due to external factors beyond their control.

In accordance with applicable laws, the members absolve the staff of any responsibility for claims, losses, liabilities, costs, damages, and expenses that arise directly or indirectly from activities undertaken outside of their platform.

Changes to the Policy

The staff retains the discretion to periodically reassess and amend this Privacy Policy, to align it with prospective organizational developments and/or modifications in legal or regulatory mandates. Should the staff elect to revise this Privacy Policy, notification of such amendments will be communicated via official channels. The members concur that it is their obligation to regularly review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about the organization's practices in data processing and data protection. Continual usage or access to the platform post any alterations to the Privacy Policy shall be construed as an acquiescence to the revised Privacy Policy and its subsequent modifications.

Communication Procedure

For inquiries, feedback, grievances, or claims pertaining to this Privacy Policy, or to initiate requests for access, deletion, rectification, or to exercise any other rights related to Personal Data, correspondences should be directed via email to: [email protected]